Child Support Add-On Expenses in Colorado Springs Divorce AKA Dissolution

In child support calculations, there are some additional expenses that can be factored into the base amount. These are expenses for childcare, medical and dental care, counseling or therapy, education or parenting time travel. Such expenses are generally shared pro rata, however parents can agree to share expenses equally for ease of calculation. It is always important to set forth the amount and timing of payments, and if payment is by reimbursement specific reimbursement timelines and procedures.
Childcare ExpensesWork or education-related childcare expenses are factored into child support. When childcare expenses fluctuate, an annual average should be used. It is generally necessary to provide receipts to document the amount of childcare. The federal dependent care credit is deducted from the childcare amount as the primary parent may claim an income tax deduction for childcare expenses. The expenses are divided pro rata - in proportion to the parents percentage of the total parental income.
Medical ExpensesThe cost of medical insurance premiums are factored in. Additionally, parents divide unreimbursed medical expenses in excess of $250.00 per year as well, though unreimbursed expenses generally do not factor into the set child support amount as they are often variable and are handled by reimbursement. The first $250.00 in unreimbursed expenses is covered by the primary parental caregiver. The premiums are shared by the parents pro rata in proportion to their incomes.
Often insurance premiums are deducted from wages and documentation of the premiums can be found on the pay statements. Employers also provide policy documents that show the amount of the premium and the cost to cover parents as well as children. Only the amount to cover the children is divided. A court may order sharing of costs for unreimbursed counseling or therapy expenses and courts often do.
Other Extraordinary ExpensesA court can also order sharing of other extraordinary expenses; such as those for education and travel. Private or specialized school care be a shared expense. This may be required if the children have historically attended private or specialized schools. Additionally, parents are required to share the expenses of mandatory school fees.
It is not unusual for parents to reside in different states. Parents are required to share the expense for transportation of the children for parenting time. That may include the cost of an adult to travel with a child if the child is under age 12. This includes both interstate and intrastate travel.
Turning Change Into Opportunity in Colorado SpringsA knowledgeable and experienced divorce and family law attorney can guide you through Colorado Springs divorce and family law matters by negotiating, mediating and litigating. This allows you to focus on new opportunities. Divorce and family law matters are difficult to navigate alone.
Sabra Janko from Janko Family Law Solutions is a knowledgeable and experienced attorney who protects your best interests and ensures that you are aware of your legal rights and obligations. Contact us at 719-344-5523 for a free 30-minute informational consultation or complete our online form.